Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Shark Skin

                                     SHARK SKIN

 Shark skin is smooth when you rub your hand one way but when u rub it in the oppisite direction because they have scales and those scales are for them to breath they don't breath through there nose like us.

The skin of the shark is unique in many ways. It is characterised by its grey colour and the contrast between its slippery appearance and its rough tactile texture.  

Dermal denticles are present on the shark’s skin and give it the rough texture that has earned it its primary human function as sandpaper. These are small structures that resemble hard, grooved teeth but are actually placoid scales.

They have a central pulp cavity, dentine and an outer layer of enamel. These strengthen and protect the skin of the shark against injury. They also aid in streamlining the fish while it glides through the water as they reduce turbulence. This is done by directing the water through the grooves and thereby decreasing the friction of the water against which the body travels.

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